How to Proceed When your Loved One Needs Assisted Living Pt 2

If you have shortlisted a few assisted living communities nearby, schedule a personal visit to them one at a time. This is a great way to learn about their daily operations, schedules, and other activities. A personal visit would also help you to understand how clean and tidy the place is, and figure out if the living conditions there are acceptable for your senior’s health conditions. If possible, take your elder with you to the assisted living facility, so that he/she can also have a say in choosing his/her new home away from home.

  • Do not choose the first assisted living care facility you visit. Read online reviews on the services offered there and try to talk to a few residents, if possible. Then visit the next senior care facility and do the same. Note down all the things that you came to know about your preferred assisted living communities, and then weigh up their pros and cons based on the actual needs of your elder parent. This would help you to make a well-informed and confident choice.
  • Always consider the desires and preferences of your senior while choosing an assisted living community. Talk with him/her to know how they would like things to be, and try to find services that would furnish those demands. While discussing his/her preferences, make sure to casually include some of the benefits of living in an assisted care community in the conversation. Talking about the chances to socialize with people sharing the same vibes and proactively participating in creative activities at assisted living facilities can help greatly in preparing seniors for the move.
  • When you have selected an assisted living facility, make sure that there is not much delay in the move. Reports say that delaying the move can make the elder feel confused and cast off, which can lead to further medical complications. Therefore, you need to make sure that the move goes as smoothly as possible, and schedule regular weekly visits to the facility to make sure that the transition worked in favor of your elder.

No matter whether your elderly parent has chosen the assisted living alternative for himself/herself or if you have taken the decision for your parent because of his/her ailing health, it is very important to make sure that everyone in the family is okay with the option. Therefore, it is always better to include everyone in the discussion when you are evaluating the pros and cons of an assisted living facility. You all can check the background of the assisted living community together as well to agree on the choice.

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